Thu 09 Jan
My name is Elaine CALL ME HONEY! 609-399-0058 - 24
(South Jersey, Maple Shade, Camd Cou, and Suburbs)
► Nau*ghty Blonde West Coast Hottie w/Stellar Reputation Visiting NOW ► - 29
(Cherry Hill Area)
★ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E ;•~★ Accepting CREDIT CARDS - 24
(South Jersey, Your private residence)
Need to Escape from the Family Work the Norm? Treat Yourself- 609-432-1003 - 37
(South Jersey, Any Atlantic Casino)
LOVELY ======= ASIAN ======= GIRLS ====== SEXY ======== HOT========= WILD ===609-343-0041 - 24
(Atlantic city ---609-348-6565)
*****____ME____ **** ___S0___ **** ___H0rNeY ----» CALL NOW!!! 609-328-8346 - 25
(South Jersey, Atlantic City Casinos Only Outcall)
(South Jersey, Atlantic city (117 S Tennessee Ave)
Meet YOUR DESTINY!! SeXy iTaLiAn who loves 2 PLAY!!HIGHLY REVIEWED!Daily specials! 60ss120hh160h - 24
(South Jersey, Turnersville)
🌺 Monday SpeciaL ★ Fetish Friendly ◆ Sexy Brunette ◆ Ready to Please You ! :-P - 22
(South Jersey, rt 130 /676 incall/outcall)
💕Naughty Girl💕💕For Mature Guy only💕💟 Daddy's lil Girl💟 ⭐️WiLD Lip$💟E - 22
(South Jersey, Clementon Berlin area)
:) %%%%%%% :) HavE yOuR sEEssION Ur wAY/ cOMe SEe ThE bESt/ FOrgET aBouT alL tHe REst %%%%% :) %%%%% - 22
(OCeaN cOUnTy/MonMOuth COunty)
Hello gents , Iam Megan , slim Canadian Brunette - INCALL SECAUCUS - 30
(NNJ Secaucus, North Jersey)
Hey its me Madison here for ur entertainment hmu asap 856-376-0006. 60ss 100hh 175hr - 25
(Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey, Vineland, Williamstown sicklerville area)
№❶ ★FreAK 💦💦💋 Ju¡c¥ BoOt¥💦★K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ★💎GuaRanTeeD 2 XceeD aLL XPecTaTionS⭐️💯Me - 21
(BLACK HORSE PIKE. Bellmawr, South Jersey)
█ GoRgEOuS HoTTie ★ ─║ █║ ║█║_░SEXY PLAYMATE░ ─║ █║║ ║_★ ★ ★ 💋💋║ █║ ║█║ - 19
(South Jersey, Atlantic City)
💋¢συρℓє ∂αуѕ ℓєfт💋BEttER tHAn👆🏼👇🏼👅💦100% ᖇeᗩᒪ🌟🌟🌟 STUNNING 🌟🌟🌟 Gorgeous BRUNETTE 🌟🌟🌟 - 23
(Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel/ Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
— ❤[[ GORGeOUs ]] ❤[[ YOUNG BRUNETTE ]]❤[[ SUPER SEXY ]] ❤ ——❤[[ 100% ME - 21
(South Jersey, Maple Shade incalls)
Exotic🍒 Sweet Playmate🍒 Only Here For 1 Night. 🌺🌻🌼🌹🌹 N SUCH A WONDERFUL TREAT 🍒🍊🍇 - 19
(South Jersey, Atlantic City My place or Yours)
Gorgeous Hot Sexy Young Hazel Eyed Hottie!!!! $$$ Out Callls Only - 19
(Atlantic City VentnorMayslanding Margate)
° ° ° °... GoRGeouS ° ° ° ° PeRFeCT Sexy PLaYMaTe!! ° ° ° ° REVIEWED!! - 22
(South Jersey, Mt. LAUREL/ CNJ/ snj)
♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:•★ GORGEOUS °•★©•° YOUNG BRUNETTE °•★©•° 100% ME ★ •:*¨¨*:•♥•:* - 21
Gr€€k Godde§§💋💕VERY WELL REVIEWED 💕Tr¥ §θm€ Of §€xy $ummer $k¥¥💋 - 28
(Cherry Hill, Runnemede Bellmawr (camden county area), South Jersey)
🎀🍭🎀🍭🎀🍭🎀EyE CaNDY🎀🍭🎀🍭🎀PaRTY GiRL FrEaK🎀🍭🎀🍭🎀🍭 - 26
(Atlantic City, Camden, Central Jersey, Cherry Hill, Edison / New Brunswick, LiMitED TiMe OnLY OuTcaLL OnLY, South Jersey, Vineland)
☆🌟 EXQUISITE🌟 ☆ 💔💎BEAUTY💎💔 ☆ 👣Come👣😉 Indulge😉💋 In 💋☆💥Pure💥 ☆💕 ✨Satisfaction ✨💕☆ - 21 - 21
(Atlantic City, Atlantic city casino & surrounding areas, South Jersey)
_▪__G E N T L E M E N S _❶_ C H O I C E ___♡___SEXY~ MATURE ~BLONDE_☆_ - 24
(South Jersey, Atlantic city to Cape May out calls only)
Grand Opening Pretty Chinese Girl (Near G.S.P 102 RT66) 732-686-1370 - 22
(South Jersey, Main St Cross Route66(Garden State Pkwy))
★ ;:::Exotic ★ ;::: SEDUCTIVE ★ ;::: (sOoO ADD¡Ct¡V€ ) * °BomBSheLL - 22
(South Jersey, Atlantic city, eht, Galloway,smithville)
(FLAWLeSS)) 💕 ((JUiiCY)) 💦 {[Amazing}🌟 ((Exotic)) 💎 ((Discreet))👑💌If its not Me its Freeeeee! - 21
(South Jersey, (Absecon) All South Jersey Incalls 💕)
Great SPECIALS all night! Sexy 😍 Petite 😘 The Perfect Treat 💯Something Sweet 🍭🍭💦 - 21
♥ ·.¸.·´¯* H_o_T ___ AsIaN gIrL ♥·. .·´¯* AvAiLaBLe NoW ♥ ·.¸.·´¯* IN CALL - 22
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
F R E A K Y fRiDaY $peCiaLs Dont Miss OuT i LeAVe Sunday Fellas - 20
(South Jersey, CHERRY HILL/RT70 sj)
💋💋💋💋💋💋FREE Table shower💋💋Grand Opening💋Magic Sensual Touch💋Beautiful Angel Doll💋 - 23
(Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill New Jersey / Haddonfield, South Jersey)
Freaky Big Titty Blonde Sicilian Ready & Willing To Satisfy You^!^On Your ULTIMATE LEVELS - 20
(South Jersey, Atlantic City In/out rt.30)
💋Freaky Friday With Miss Adore😘Let's Get This Weekend Started😉 - 21
(Cherry Hill (Mt. Laurel,Sicklerville,)🚘, South Jersey)
~ Gianna ~ Sexy Red Haired Italian Princess ***** $75 Special ***** New Bombshell Alert !!!!!! - 23
(South Jersey, Rt.70 Cherry Hill Incall/Outcall)
⛅️Good Morning Gents🔝⛅️Ɔσмɛ 🇨ɛℓeвяαтɛ 🎁💝💝 H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟur ΜιηD 70/100 Spc - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry hill / mt laurel / maple shade)
Gorgeous busty blonde playmate available now!! - 34
(South Jersey, Private residence (deptfordwoodbury))
💋CURVY EXOTIC BEAUTY💋Let ME Give U A Nite of Erotic PLEASURE!💕Available Now!💎Incalls Only 💎 - 23
(South Jersey, Gloucester City/Rt.130/ Brklwn/Avail.Now)
40ss🌹 60hh🌹 100🌹 on your way out of work 😍😍 T.G.I.F. - 47
(Cherry Hill, cherry hill/maple shade incall 💋, South Jersey)
*2 GIRL SPECIALS*Back in town 2 exotic mixed bi chicks come the best gift of your life! AMAZING!! - 25
(South Jersey, West deptford area)
→100$☆★Special←☆★♥ let Ava Make Ur Dreams Come True♥ Vivacious RedHead♥ - 23
(South Jersey, BROOKLAWN)
1oO SpEcIaL aLL DaY & NiTe. (( NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe )) CoMe On OvEr ! - 19
#1 FrOm DeLaWaRe ♡ ♥IM BaCk ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd⇩ uℓtiℳαtε EXoti© EsCOrt 100% ReAl Pics ✪ αvαiℓabℓε - 25
(Atlantic City, Mt Laurel💋Morristown🍒Maple Shade, South Jersey)
$100 / Thirty SpECiAL minutes until NOON today. 100% real and recent pics .. - 24
(South Jersey, South Jersey near all bridges)
◆60 SpECiaL◆GOOD girls go to HEAVEN◆ ▬▬ ◆BAD girls TAKE ◆ ▬▬ ◆you THERE ◆ ▬▬ ◆ - 26
(Camden, County.. near all highway, South Jersey)
$1OO InCaLL (( SeXy LaTiNa )) - IT L()()KS G()()D ....BUT__ FEELS___ EVEN__ BETTER -: ✦ - 21
(Central Jersey, Somerset/ Incalls)
$1OO sPeCiAL __ (( ★ MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★ )) ExOtic PuErTo RiCaN! HOTTIE __ $1OO InCaLL!! - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill/ Mount.Laurel/Incalls Only)
$80 SPECIALS!! MAdisoN MOnrOE, GIannA LovE, & SaSHa BrookS are Here to Please You!! New Pics!! - 20
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
--*80$Special NiNa & NAtAshA herE && ReAdY 2 PlEasE Ya*80 $pecial-- CALL N0W - 24
(South Jersey, Absecon Incall Only)
2 GiRl SpEcIaL *** G O O D . G I R L Z :*: G O N E *:**: B A D CoMe TRY - 19
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill)
100$!!! outc💕✨Always💦💦n ready ✨Thick💕round and light brown back in town😘🌷💋Call Now💋💋😘 - 20 - 20
(Camden, Cherry Hill, South Jersey, south nj camden co all surrounding areas, Vineland)
100% REAL PHOTOS!!! (2GIRLZ SpEcIaLs ALL nIgHt!) * jUiCy BoOtY! * ClIcK HeRe 4 MISSY & JAMIE****** - 23
(South Jersey- Marlton Pike)
200$* ~ ☆ ~ *_ H O T T E S T _ 2 GIRL _ S E S S I O N S _ I N _ T O W N_ * ~ ☆ ~ * - 27
(South Jersey, CHERRY HILL - Rt. 70 ($150 $pecial))
$40 specials!!! It's hump day!!! I can help u get over that hump Iwanna put a smile on your face !!! - 28
(South Jersey, 295/bellmawr/brooklawn/ Gloucester area)