Sat 04 Jan
Marryed Men Best Kept Secret Out Call Only - 23
(Atlantic City, South Jersay Tristate, South Jersey)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ M A K I N G▐ D R E A M S▐ C O M E▐ T R U E ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 22
(Cherry Hill, MAPLE SHADE 💥INCALLS💥 CHERRY HILL 💥, South Jersey)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: SPECIALS! - - 20
lunchtime special you cant refuse!!!! Y-O-U-R __ S-E-C-R-E-T __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N - 23
(rte73 mt.laurel/cherryhill)
Lovely Tiffany 🌺 Your all new addiction! 8568316877 in an out calls - 24
(South Jersey, Mapleshade MtLaurel area)
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES [[1OO% Real Pics! ]] & [[ ߀ÂU†i FUL ]]♥ PLEASURE AWAITS YOU! - 27
(South Jersey, absecon off 30)
KiNKy BuSTy BLoNdE WiLd THinG! .^. DoWn & DiRTY :*: HoTT & ReAdY *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*:: - 26
(Mt Laurel, Incall or Outcalls)
L {✰} {✰}K > ALL NATURAL - 46DDD .-.-.-.- New - Super Freak - 22
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill - Rt. 70)
🛄kick off ya shoes,Come see Milani 🍭Ebony goddess 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽8563002109 - 23
(Cherry Hill, mt.laurel/maple shade/cherry hill incall, South Jersey)
Let me help you unwind!!! incall only!!! - 24
(bellmawr deptford mt laurel GT, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
♥[ KiLLER CURVES ] ♥ [ CuTE FaCe ] ♥ [ NiCE BOobs ] ♥ [SPANKable ] I'm Honey - 24
(South Jersey, Mt. Laurel/Cherry Hill)
Exotic Brianna *** A Married MAN BESt KePT SECRET ** Panamanian SWEETheart ** - 22
(South Jersey, MapleShadeINCALLS*)
FuN *- X0 FlIrTy**- ClICk **- HeRe **-- X0X0X0X0 --**FuN*- FlIrTy**- ClICk **--* HeRe --** X0X0X0X0 - 20
(South Jersey, BLACKWOOD)
**EXOTIC BRAZILIAN** READY TO PLAY ( . ( . ( C.L.I.C.K H.E.R.E ) . ) . ) - 20
(South Jersey, maple shade incalls)
🔴🔵⚪⚫🔴🔵⚪fantastic Friday Milf🔴🔵⚪⚫🔴🔵⚪⚫ - 41
(Cherry Hill, MapleShade,Pennsauken,cherryHill, South Jersey)
Exotic Brianna : YOU DESERVE THE BEST : Pamanamian SWEetHeart COME RElaxs with me! - 22
(South Jersey, MapleShadeINCALLS*)
Fresh face!visiting town!Tall & Leggy fair skinned American Blondie with a BODY! The REAL Deal..... - 24
(South Jersey, Mount Laurel, Cherry Hill Incall)
Diamond is here to satisfy your every need no time is rushed Call me 856-883-5157 - 24
(South Jersey, cherry hill pennsuakenn out call)
🔥🔥 Ever see a " BlondeFire " ? 🔥🔥 Play with Me and Your ❤ is Mine ! - 22
(South Jersey, rt 295 • rt 70 incall/outcall)
Exotic and Thick Dominican Beauty 💋 new in town! 💲💲💲 $80 Specials!! - 20
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/ South New jersey)
*°* ExOtIC *°* BuSTy *°* ThIcK n cUrvY *°* BloNdE BomBsHell *°* $100 Specials! - 25
(South Jersey, *Atlantic City in & out calls*)
Exotic-Erotic Beauty with the face of an angel! TRIED THE REST? HERE IS THE BEST! #1 in class!!! - 25
💋💕 Exotic 💕💋Fun👅💋💦MIXED BEAUTY💦👅 Sexxy💞 NUDE MASSAGE👅💦 💋💕 Juicy B00TY💕💦 Pretty Face� - 28
(Camden, Cherry Hill, maple shade rt.73south, South Jersey)
$Diamond$$~Let Me Upgrade Ya~ Ready to have fun?? Stop wasting ya money - 25
(South Jersey, Brooklawn , Bellmawr)
💍💓🌺 DONT MiSS 0UT 💦💯 UnFoRgEtABLe cOmPaNy 💅❤️💄 UpScaLe pLaYmaTe 🏆❄️⭐️ - 24
(Central Jersey, Elizabeth, Elizabeth 1&9 Newark airport, Newark, North Jersey)
:*: :*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_y ___ G_o_R_G_e_O_u_S ___ C_o_M_p _ A_n_I_o _N :*: :* - 22
(hwy 73 & 295)
*** ❤ ATTENTION!! ❤ ***~ Beautiful, Witty, Skillful, and Independent ~ - 28
(South Jersey, Atlantic City/Casinos in/out calls)
(Rt. 73 Mt. Laurel/Outcalls)
~ AbSoLuTeLy ToE cUrLiNg - SYREN FIRE - BeSt SeRvIcE iN jErSeY ~ - 22
(North Jersey, Meadowlands -- in and Out)
2 for $ of 1_____ NEW 100% Brazilian_____ the best ___2 girls special__ new together or separete - 26
8 0 [ LASt DaY ! ! ] FeTiSH FRiEnDLy DoMiNaTiON 80 [TwO GiRLs ] THiCk SoFT & LaTiNA ! ! - 19
(South Jersey, Rt ♥ 73)
$70!!! Special! The Curvy Sensation Madison Monroe!! $70!! NEW PICS!! - 19
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
$70!! Special! The Curvy Sensation Madison Monroe!! $70! NEW PICS!! !!! - 19
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
60$$ Visiting💋 Very TINY& Lots Of FUN💦ONLY 80lbs & 5"0 💯Tatted & Beautiful 💋 CALL TINY☎️ 215-954-1153 - 21
(South Jersey, Mt. laurel)
Calling All Girls!!!! HIRING RIGHT NOW!!! Best split rates around GUARENTEED!!! - 28
(South Jersey, Philadelphia and Surronding Areas)
100% real pics!!💋 your dirty little fantasies come to life wit cassie!!💋100%realpics - 25
(Incall A.C/ outcalls to cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Female talent search for cinema pictures $4,500 per cinema picture - 49
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, South Jersey)
Female Entertainers Needed for Full Time Opportunity - 30
(Philadelphia/Atlantic City, South Jersey)
Hot Female Escorts Needed on Friday & Saturday Nights *** INCALL & Outcall - 45
(South Jersey, New Jersey)
Be the face of my company and Im also hiring females daily for this 16Billion $ Yearly Industry - 36
(Everywhere, South Jersey)
Hotel Room Available in ATLANTIC CITY TODAY for Female Escort Interested in Traveling Starting ASAP - 31
(ATLANTIC CITY, South Jersey)
Make 2013 Your Year! Try Us for 1 Week and I Guarantee You Will Be a AC Girl For Life. Top Pay
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, South Jersey, Work Locally , Internationally or Travel)
Best Ran Best Splits Rank1 Safe Upscale Top Notch Elegant Make 1KA Day Elite Work With The Best - 30
(Central Jersey, New Jersey, South Jersey)
****Smoking Hot Brunette with a body that melts to ur t%*ch*** - 23 - 23
(Atlantic City area incall/outcall)
💕 Sexy 💕 Classy 💕 Brunette 💕 Bombshell 💕Available 💕 Now 💕 - 22
(Atlantic City, Outcalls AC, South Jersey)
**sexy hot bombshell**%%%u messed with all the rest now come n try the best%%% - 24
(South Jersey, eht,ac,oc and surrounding areas)