Sat 04 Jan
Looking for the most satisfying session of ur life call or text now - 22
(Atco, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Let us put a spark in ur Saturday! Single n double specials!! Let's get the weekend started! - 28
(South Jersey, 295/bellmawr/brooklawn/ Gloucester area)
!m on all 4*s*** WaiTing!!! Petite** Sweet** Freak** INCALLS!! - 23
(South Jersey, Clementon , Lindenwold RT 42 (Exit 8))
Low Price Special!!! SEXY JENNA!! is here to save your day!! Special!! - 23
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
▃▃▃▃▃ME▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃OR▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐ FLEXIBLE BEAUTY▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃IT'S▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃FREE ▃▃▃▃▃ - 22
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, 💥MAPLE SHADE 💥iNCALLS 💥ME or FREE)
Let me TaKe CaRe Of YoU!!! Spanish MIXED Blond SweetHEart!! Sweet Decemeber Specials - 21
(South Jersey, cherry hill Mt.laural Maple Shade IN/OUT)
❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle☆ ▃▆▓▓💋▓▓▆▃ ☆❀°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε ☆▃▆▓▓💋▓▓▆▃ ☆❀° δPECIALs☆▃▆▓💋 - 21
(South Jersey, Rt 73 / Mount Laurel / cherry hill)
LOOKING For A QUALITY Experience?? SUPER BUSTY (38DDD), Mature, Redhead And Seeking YOU!!! - 46
(Northern New Jersey, South Jersey)
Looking for wild NJ Boys (Deep Lipps & Massage Show) 11pm-8am - 25
(South Jersey, NORTHEAST PHILA/95 EXIT 26)
_ ! _ l O o K - ! - h E r E - ! - B o Y s ! ! ! outcall only ! ! ! outcall only ! ! ! - 25
(South Jersey)
♫ ___LiStEn To ThE cAlL oF tHe SYREN --- TRUE UNDENIABLE BLISS___ ♫ - 22
(North Jersey, MEADOWLANDS // WAYNE)
🛄kick off ya shoes,Come see Milani 🍭Ebony goddess 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽8563002109 - 23
(Cherry Hill, mt.laurel/maple shade/cherry hill incall, South Jersey)
karla heLlo honey cute service ,good girls 646 489 5431 call me please out call only - 23
(South Jersey, cherry hill,pennsauken, route 130 maple)
Let me help you unwind!!! incall only!!! - 24
(bellmawr deptford mt laurel GT, Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
kenya !!🍫🍫😚 available now! Morning specials!! Come have fun with me 😋😋😋 - 23
(Camden, Deptford,Woodbury, upscale pri residence, South Jersey)
» L◕ ‿ ◕ K >> ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ MOUTH°♥• * •°♥•° WATERING ASIAN▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ - NEW TO BP - 21
(South Jersey, out to you only)
✅🌺JuSt WhAt YoUVe BeeN 👀for💯 🔜your gonna be🔙💯💋😍✅✅#fact just check my reviews💋😘💖SPeCiaLs ToDaY👀💖☎️☎️NOW - 23
(South Jersey, Atlantic City / Surrounding Areas)
@@ LEXI @@ italian sexy tall with hot body in town tonigh.let have fun. - 23
(South Jersey, Brooklawn south jersey)
*** GrAnD OpEnNiNg! Sexy Classy~ S D U C i V ~ BrAzziLLian & EaSt EuRoPiAn BeauTiE - 23
(South Jersey, Bristol, Burlingt. Bristol Bridge)
Get All You Wanted Tonite! Sexy BBW Redhead, Up All Nite, Ready For Fun! For Men Who Want More!! - 21
(maple shade incalls)
❤❤❤❤❤ █ █ █ ——————— GOLD ASIAN ESCORT ———————█ █ █ ❤❤❤❤❤ SEXY ASIAN BEAUTY ❤❤❤IN & OUT CALL - 21
(South Jersey, ATLANTIC CITY ★ OUT CALL = 609-957-2962)
██╫╬◆╬╫███ First Day!! Hot Asian ☎ I Have Whatever U Need ██╫╬◆╬╫██ Sexual Nuru! - 21
(South Jersey)
💝EXOTIC MYA...The SEXY...SEDUCTIVE LATINA!! Waiting to please u..Rite Now - 23
(South Jersey, Gloucester City / Cherry Hill/ Brooklawn)
____ GORGEOUS _____!_____ SEXY _____!_____ EXOTIC _____!_____ **NoW!** _____!_____ BOMBSHELL ____ - 22
(South Jersey, 168 incalls & outcalls)
*☆* G _ E _ n _ T _ L _ e _ M _ e _ N _ s * C __ h __ O __ i __ C __ e *☆* - 24
(Center City Phila.)
★ EvErY BoY's WiSh !! ★ EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT !! ★ EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY - 21
(South Jersey, Cherry Hill)
FREAKY FridAy **TONGUE* mASSage @ Much More!!! By KRISTY - 24
(South Jersey, NE philly/min off i-95)
European , American & Latin Girlfriends ! 💕SHOWER FACILITY 💕 All - New , RELAX 💕 - 22
(Cherry Hill, Haddonfield NJ / Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
Diamond is here to satisfy your every need no time is rushed Call me 856-883-5157 - 24
(South Jersey, cherry hill pennsuakenn out call)
!!¦* §exy italian Rose in town to make your dreams come true ¦*!! SPECIALS ALL DAY - 23
(South Jersey)
Complete Package_____ ♥ ______Upscale Independent Provider_____ ♥ _____You will LOVE me! - 21
✘ D0NT B£ F00L£D βy Th€ R€st ✘ E×oTic Fün §¡ze Ebony Doll ♚ ♚ $K¡LL€D L¡P$ ♚ T¡GHT GR¡P$ ♚ SOFT - 24
(South Jersey, Mt. laurel Cherry hill Moorestown)
Exotic-Erotic Beauty with the face of an angel! TRIED THE REST? HERE IS THE BEST! #1 in class!!! - 25
CUTE░▐▐▐░ RE'LAX'ATI'ON ░▐▐▐▐░ YO'U ░▐▐▐▐░ DES'ERVE ░░▐▐▐▐ ░ ░ ░░▐▐▐▐ ░ ░░░▐▐▐▐░▐▐▐▐░ ░▐▐▐▐░ ░▐▐▐▐░ - 24
(Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill / HADDONFIELD / RT 73 area, South Jersey)
°ASIAN° *NeW* ° Petitte * °KOREAN *SEXY ° DOLL * ° (((OUT CALL ONLY))) - 21
💕 All you can handle and then some! 💕
(Central Jersey, everywhere, Jersey Shore, Newark, North Jersey, South Jersey)
$80!!!! Special! The Super Sexy Latin Sensation Selena Spice Is Back!! $80 !!!! - 20
(South Jersey, Mt Laurel/Maple Shade/Cherry Hill)
$80 Short Stays $160 Hours With Laura The Mature Cougar - 40
(South Jersey, rt 130 Brooklawn In Or Out Calls)
★ New GirLs ~ SpeCiaL 1OO Relaxed atmosphere (very open-minded) !!! - 25
(South Jersey, rt 130 / rt 676 area (856) 472 - 9414)
856-667-7700 Let's Work Up A Sweat Together! 856-667-7700 - 22
(South Jersey, outcall at your place, everywhere)
$80 Spec!als ♥_= C_Å_†_C_H = (( iT )) =_♥_= W_H_¡_L_€ = ((YÕU)) = C_Å_Ñ =_♥ - 21
(South Jersey, BlackWood... incalls)
Amazing Angel the THRILL U BEEN LOOKIN 4!!!! 36H Naturals!!! $100HR 40in BOOTY!!!! - 24
(Rt 130 Brooklawn in/out)
(($80 specials ALL DAY)) Come N Get It 8652005157 - 23
(South Jersey, landmark Blackwood 42 exit 10A~InCall)
65¥65¥65 She's BAC! ConsTance is bac in town an waiting for UR call now! ¥65¥65¥65 - 23
(South Jersey)
a H♨T wT §ToRm aLrT! .... _ToNigHT!_ .... AtLaNTiC CiTy! .... -T⌾NYA §T☼RM! - 26
(South Jersey, Atlantic City)
💎$80 Specials Well Reviewed Petite Blonde Barbie GISELE, & it's me or it's free😀 INCALLS&Outcalls; - 23
(Cherry Hill, Mt Laurel Maple Shades, South Jersey)
°💜 ★$70 ★LET ME °🎶 💜🎵🎶 💜🎵°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸—🎵 💜🎶 💜🎵°— — YOUR WORLD — °🎶💜 🎵 💜🎶 ★$70★ - 21
((((( Maple Shade)))💜 ((((incalls only))), Cherry Hill, South Jersey)
$$$60 SPECIAL$$$ 36D'S-24-38 Soft Caramel Skin DSL's Thick in all the right places UP 24/7 - 20
(South Jersey, maple shade rt. 73/ 38/295)
★ ——— 💥💥__ ADDICTIVE __ 💥💥💥 __BRUNETTE__ 💥💥💥__ BOMBSHELL __💥💥 ———★ - 22
(South Jersey, (((( MAPLE SHADE )) ((INCALL ONLY )))))
~70~130~180~ThE bEsT BP hAs To OfFer So DoNt WasTe YoUr TiMe CALL Brielle - 19
(South Jersey, cherry Hill)
$60Columbian your strawberry 🍓🍓🍓 Secret $60 💖🍓💖🍓🎈🎈 Columbiana 60 - 23
(Mt.Laurel Rt.73 cherry hill I295 incalls, South Jersey)
💖✨ _A Evening W00D IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE 💖✨__ Gorgeous Exotic Bombshell__ JUICY VIDEO PROOF📽 - 23
(Cherry Hill, South Jersey, 🍒Cherry Hill Maple Shade Rt 73 Incalls🍒)
80 ▶ New GiRL SpeciaL ★ SeXy _Blond _BomsheLL★ StunninG ★ - 40
(South Jersey, Brooklawn / Deptford (856) 733 - 0897)